Field: Tazmilly Village: Flint’s House
Scenario: Lucas is blocking Claus from leaving the house, halting Claus from getting himself killed. Claus passioned on avenging his mother must keep moving forward, by knocking out Lucas in order to reach the opportunity for revenge.
Objective: Knock out Lucas
Clear Conditions: Easiest fight in the game, Lucas health goes to zero after one hit.
Loss occurs if Claus waits five turns, without attacking Lucas.
Purposefully losing this fight will trigger an alternate ending to the game where Claus loses his ambition on avenging his mother, and the credits play.
Scenario: Lucas is blocking Claus from leaving the house, halting Claus from getting himself killed. Claus passioned on avenging his mother must keep moving forward, by knocking out Lucas in order to reach the opportunity for revenge.
Objective: Knock out Lucas
Clear Conditions: Easiest fight in the game, Lucas health goes to zero after one hit.
Loss occurs if Claus waits five turns, without attacking Lucas.
Purposefully losing this fight will trigger an alternate ending to the game where Claus loses his ambition on avenging his mother, and the credits play.