Friendship Challenge #1: Make a Positive Comment about another User


Staff member
Make a Positive Comment about another User Below to Complete this Challenge and to Receive this Reaction/Emote to Use on your Account.
Thanks to @Maurice Raptor for the original drawing.

Note: If a User already has a positive comment assigned to them, you cannot complete this challenge by complimenting that user again.

MR Emote Plus.png


Staff member
@Maurice Raptor
Thank you for All the Memories back on the Old Forum, as well as the New One.

Thank you for being the support I needed to launch this forum when the old one was negligently abandoned.

You have a been a good friend and I hope to participate in more forum dialogues with you in the future.


The PSI Journey Creator and Writer
Staff member
@Zheyno Thank you for being a great supporter and help of making my creative dreams come true, and to be someone influential for this community.